Draft Approved by the CEO of ESSCI of Government of India dated on 26th November 2015. Thirty one  Courses were approved by the ESSCI.

Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) is a Not-for-Profit Organization, registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956.The Council has been promoted by six Associations i.e. CEAMA, ELCINA, IESA (formerly ISA) , IPCA, MAIT & ELCOMA, with financial support by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). ESSCI focus is on establishing an ef...

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About Electronic Sector Skill Council of India

A Joint venture of National Skill India Mission and The Electorinc Sector Council of India ,Government of India launched the training programmes in the Electronic Sector  in the month of December 2015. Nsim  put forth a multi -pronged strategy  to equip people with Electronic Skill sets to meet the challenging demands of the Industry.  Being a major resource provider , India occupies a prominent position in the global human resource map for nearly  a century . National skill India Mission  is in a journey of developing a pool of skilled and industry ready people for the growing demands in the Electronic Sector. When all the players in the Business or service ramping up their operations through different products  expert is inevitable in all  entrepreneurships . This Nsim- ESSCI joint venture  is envisaged as the launching pad to transform Indian youths  in to a major human resource for the world in the Electronic  Sector.

Electronics Sector Skills Council of India (ESSCI) is a Not-for-Profit Organization, registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1956.The Council has been promoted by six Associations i.e. CEAMA, ELCINA, IESA (formerly ISA) , IPCA, MAIT & ELCOMA, with financial support by National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). ESSCI focus is on establishing an effective and efficient ecosystem for developing and imparting of outcome oriented skills for the Electronics Systems, Design and Manufacturing Industry (ESDM). ESSCI's mandate comprises plethora of deliverables including development of curriculum, courses, information database, delivery system. ESSCI is responsible for standardization, accreditation and certification processes to enhance the employability of the Indian workforce globally.

The Council will serve as an apex accreditation & quality improvement body for training institutions in the electronics sector. Based on the National Occupational Standards, ESSCI would develop the assessment & accreditation tools and manuals. In order to facilitate accreditation & certification of the Institutes, it would launch a vibrant accreditation & certification programme.

The Council would also make the necessary changes in the curriculum of the various courses that are targeted for the electronics industry as per the demand of the industry. This change in curriculum would apply to IIT's, engineering colleges, technical institutes and polytechnics.

ESSCI has been mandated by NSDC to prepare the National Occupational Standards & Qualification Packs for various job roles in the Electronics Sector. The Council is in the process of conducting the functional and occupational mapping, standardizing the nomenclature for various job roles determining the future demand & developing the National Occupational Standards & Qualification Packs.