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By Nsim Team


Data analysts translate numbers into plain English. Every business collects data, whether it's sales figures, market research, logistics, or transportation costs. A data analyst's job is to take that data and use it to help companies make better business decisions. 
There are many different types of data analysts in the field, including operations analysts, marketing analysts, financial analysts, etc.


A bachelor's degree is needed for most entry-level jobs, and a master's degree will be needed for many upper-level jobs. Most analysts will have degrees in fields like math, statistics, computer science, or something closely related to their field. Strong math and analysis skills are needed.
Depending on the field you go into, certification is available.


  • Analytical Skills: Data analysts work with large amounts of data. You will need to see through the data and analyze it to find conclusions.
  • Communication Skills: Data analysts are often called to present their findings, or translate the data into an understandable document. You will need to write and speak clearly, easily communicating complex ideas.
  • Critical Thinking: Data analysts must look at the numbers, trends, and data and come to new conclusions based on the findings.
  • Attention to Detail: Data analysts have to make sure they are vigilant in their analysis to come to correct conclusions.
  • Calculation Skills: Data analysts need math skills to estimate numerical data.


With more and more companies using big data, the demand for data analytic specialists/data scientists is demanding. It is one of the most sought-after positions. The desire on the enterprise side to find truly qualified data scientists has resulted in almost open headcount. There is probably a biggest imbalance of supply and demand. The talent pool is, at best, probably 20 percent of the demand. 

Qualified big data analysts command impressive salaries. 


Data analysts are in extremely high demand, but the work itself is equally demanding. You’ve got to be a numbers whiz, but also a strong communicator; you’ve got to be an analytical mastermind who can also think abstractly. To situate yourself for success as a data analyst, you should be familiar with five core competencies: programming, statistics, machine learning, data munging, and data visualization.You obviously need the technical skills to be able to extract data and run statistical analyses. 

If you’ve got what it takes, there are plenty of companies eager to take what you’ve got.

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