Hand Embroidery

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A fabulous opportunity to become a Hand Embroidery Instructor !!  !!! Grab this opportunity .




Topics to be covered  in Hand Embroidery classes are given below:

And the trainers are required to have an experience  all or at a least most of these .

Various types of stitches

1. Running stitch
2. Back stitch
3. Stem stitch
4. Satin stitch
5. Kashmiri stitch
6. Couching stitch
7. Cross stitch technique
8. Herringbone stitch
9. Different types of loop stitches
10. Different types of knotted stitches

Use and combine different hand embroidery techniques to create decorative designs such as

1. Cross stitch
2. Tapestry stitch
3. Shadow work
4. Mirror work 
5. English smocking
6. Cut work
7. Sindhi work
8. Kashmiri 
9. Kutch 
10. Zari 
12. Chikan 
13. Kasuti 
14. Kantha 
15. Chamba 
16. Pipilli

 Documents to be submitted

  1. Resume
  2. Passport size photo
  3. Identification Card
  4. Application form along with a fee of Rs.10000.00 towards documentation and co-ordination charges


  • Min 5yrs experience in Hand Embroidery
  • Good Communication Skill


  • The instructor would be registered as a Skill Knowledge Provider.
  • The instructor would be appointed after a telephonic and personal interview.



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