Political Party Agents

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Political party agents are employed by major political parties for whom they work at constituency level undertaking promotional, administrative and fundraising activities.

Typical responsibilities of the job include:

  • advising and liaising with MPs, MEPs, related agencies and parliamentary advisers

  • fundraising

  • handling local party finances

  • ensuring compliance with electoral law

  • organising election campaigns

  • analysing electoral rolls

  • recruiting and managing volunteers

  • attending events such as party conferences and select committee hearings

  • dealing with media/press enquiries

  • producing press releases and passing information to press agencies

  • keeping membership records

  • undertaking a wide range of administrative tasks including enquiries, producing agendas, organising/attending meetings and writing reports/minutes

  • communicating with relevant official bodies


Qualifications and training required


Competition for jobs is intense, so while there are no set qualifications for becoming a political party agent, employment is usually dependent on possessing a good degree. A degree in any discipline is acceptable, but preferred subjects include politics, government, public/social administration, social policy, law, history, business studies and economics. A postgraduate qualification may be beneficial, particularly for graduates without relevant undergraduate degrees.


Key skills for political party agents


  • Initiative

  • Diplomacy

  • Discretion

  • Good research skills

  • Analytical skills

  • Interpersonal skills

  • Communication skills

  • Leadership skills

  • IT skills


A demonstrable knowledge of and enthusiasm for politics is essential. Potential employees should also be capable of dealing confidently with people in important and influential positions.


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