Bachelor of Construction Technology

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Bachelor of Construction Technology is an undergraduate Construction Technology course. The program provides courses in construction science covering the heavy civil, commercial, and residential fields. Students will learn about construction materials and green building methods through the use of readings, 3-D models, hands-on laboratory exercises, and site visits. Construction Management courses in estimating; scheduling, BIM, job site management, safety, and soil testing are also provided. Students will build a strong background in mathematics, computer technology, business, and other general education subjects. 

How is Bachelor of Construction Technology Course Beneficial?

The Course is beneficial to prepare graduates for future roles in managing people, equipment, materials, technological processes and funds in the construction, building and maintenance of buildings and assets in the civil infrastructure. They can pursue careers as construction managers, project engineers/managers, civil engineers and asset management engineers in a range of industries including consulting engineering, construction, research organizations, private sector, local and other government authorities. They can also go for further research studies after completing this course. Degree prepares students for roles in management functions such as project management, estimating, and scheduling. Students learn the basic engineering principles and technical skills necessary to help engineers and other professionals supervise the construction of buildings and other structures.


  • XII with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics or equivalent with minimum 55% marks.


Subjects of Study

Engineering Mathematics

Materials of Construction

Strength of Materials


Management Theory – Principles and Practices

Applied Engineering Geology

Survey Practice

Construction Materials Testing Lab

Building Construction

Structural Analysis

Concrete Technology

Financial and Cost Accounting

Construction Planning and Control

Design of Structures

Geo-technical Engineering

Construction Economics and Finance

Transportation Engineering

Building Drawing


Construction Technology Laboratory

Construction Quality Management

Contracts and Specifications

Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures

Construction Methods & Equipments

Geo-technology Lab

Construction Study Project

Constitutional Law and Professional Ethics

Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures

Quantitative Surveying & Estimation

Building Services

Building Services Lab

Building Planning, Types & Standards

Project Work



Ground Improvement Techniques

Design of Masonry Structures

Advanced Surveying

Fundamentals of Architecture

Pre-fabrication Construction Techniques

Advanced Design of R.C. Structures

Urban and Regional Planning

Landscape Design and Planning

Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

Alternative Building Materials and Technologies

Rural water supply and Sanitation

Computer Applications in Construction Engineering and Planning

Applied Geo-Technical Engineering

Building Climatology

Distress Diagnostics, Repair and Rehabilitation of Structures

Bridge Engineering

Foundation Engineering

Special Concretes

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Project Safety Management

Course Suitability

  • They should have problem solving skills used on a daily basis in the construction industry; from dealing with the unexpected, such as burst water pipes, to minimising delays. They also possess time management skills such as in complex construction projects it requires effective organisation and time management if they are to be delivered to budget and on time. Candidates are also expected to possess a variety of different skill sets in order to be successful, including knowledge of the construction industry, technical skills and computer proficiency.

Bachelor of Construction Technology Colleges

  • CEPT University, Ahmedabad

Job Types

  • Framing and Finish Carpenter
  • Siding Installer
  • Maintenance Welder
  • Deck Builder
  • Roofer
  • Dry-waller
  • Remodeler
  • Electrician

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