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The life line is perhaps the most controversial line on the hand. A widespread misapprehension about the life line is that it discloses how long you will live or when you will die. It does however reveals information about the encounters in your life, relationships with others, health and physical and emotional well-being.


The truth about Life Line

The belief that a person's life span can be determined by the life line was created centuries ago by people who wanted to take advantage of gullible people. Over the centuries, this lie took root until it was a common practice to consider the length of the life line as the life expectancy of the individual. This myth has become so embedded in the modern practice of palmistry that even some books on palmistry perpetuate it as a truth.


What does the life line disclose?

This line is believed to represent the person's vitality and vigor, physical health and general well being. The life line is also believed to reflect major life changes, including cataclysmic events, physical injuries, and relocations. Markings on the line indicate significant events, travels, trials and tribulations as well as triumphs and successes.


What does the Life Line tell you?

When marks appear on your life line - be they islands, circles, crosses or tributary lines - they spell momentous events that leave their mark on your mind and on your life. Your Life Line is associated with your basic physical vitality and life energy. The better the condition your Life Line is in, the easier you flow through life from day to day.

Identifying the Life line

This line begins between the index finger and the thumb and continues downward toward the base of the thumb and the connection to the wrist. Take a look at the different kinds of life lines and their implications…


Short Life Line

Short life line means there is a shortness of energy for overcoming life's challenges. This person runs out of energy quickly and doesn't complete all tasks before stopping to rest. She or he often misses deadlines and needs someone to keep pushing her or him to completion of responsibilities.


Broken Life Line

People with a broken Life Line tend to have a unique trait concerning how they do not rest and review what they have completed. It seems that these people go from one challenge in life to the next challenge without resting and reviewing what they have learned.

Double Life Line

If you have a secondary line running parallel, inside or outside of the Life Line there is significance in this palmistry marking. This extra line indicates a feeling of strength and support from family members when growing up. These lucky people with an extra line are so confident about their future that they make numerous changes in life, seeking the very best that life has to offer.


Life Line on Fate Line

Some people have their Fate Line replacing part of their Life Line as shown at the right. This palmistry marking indicates they have no strong sense of purpose in life. Often their career becomes their primary purpose in life, with all their energies going to their job. Self-esteem and sense of purpose depend on what successes are achieved on the job or in their career.


Chaotic Life Line

A messy life line indicates many obstacles that block personal success. On women, a life line that zigzags suggests a stubborn and aggressive personality, and does not bode well for love. Ladies with lines that look wobbly have a hard time finding a husband.


Break in Life Line

If there is a break in the life line, it suggests that luck tends to be better during the early years, but this luck can change tremendously as one gets older. There are a lot of ups and downs in life, but it also indicates that “After each storm comes the calm”.


Two separate lines at the beginning of lifeline

If you have two separate lines at the beginning of lifeline, and one line begins from the mount of moon, it suggests an artistic person, someone who can be successful in the performing arts or acting. A woman with such a life line is likely to marry a rich or powerful man.


Absence of Life line

No it doesn’t mean that the subject is about to die, rather an absent life line shows a sluggish and high-strung person, with a tremendous nervous energy.


Short and Shallow

Short and shallow lines reflect a limited and rather shallow life. Other lines would need to be read to determine if this is a result of someone else controlling your life or if the limitations are self-imposed.


Straight Lines

If your life line is straight and rather close to your thumb without much curving around the thumb base or very slight curved, you likely live very cautiously. You may be worried about contracting illnesses from others. You may be afraid to take risks in love and other areas of your life. Straight-laced is a good description of this type of life line.


Stretched-Out Life Line

A life line that stretches across the hand exceeding more than halfway to the other side of the hand before turning to travel to the base of the thumb foretells of a life spent in travel or a life concerned with travel. In addition, your imagination will play a key role in the quality of life that you carve out for yourself. This could mean an occupation where your imagination is vital to doing your job. A career in the arts would be very likely.


Deep Life Line

A long, deep life line shows your inner vitality, while a short and shallow life line means you are easily manipulated by others. The deepest lines are in the hands having the least sensitive nerves, and consequently the fewest lines. The lives of these subjects are more even, for they worry little and are not burdened with delicacy and poor health. They are capable of great exertion physically.


The shape of your Life Line

If your life line is very close to your thumb, it means you have low energy and are often tired. Conversely, a wide, curvy life line shows that you have plenty of energy. If it swoops in a semi-circle, you are strong and enthusiastic. If it’s straight and stays close to the edge of your palm, you are cautious in your relationships.


Mind the Gap!

When there is a gap between the origin of the life line and the head line, it indicates a sense of freedom and independent thinking. However, this intensity and enthusiasm may lead to a lack of empathy and a tendency to be insensitive in relationships.


Markings on the Life Line

Lines crossing the life line show worry in personal matters. Lines moving upward show progress and improvement in health matters. A cross shows a longer lasting problem on any line, including the heart and headlines. This can mean the loss of a job, accident or other distress, and a series of these in old age can show bad health or financial ruin.


Reference: Mlife Daily



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