UP PSC recruitment 2016-17 notification medical officer posts

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UPPSC recruitment 2016-17 notification medical officer posts :- Uttar Pradesh Public service commission (UPPSC) invites application for the position of 1343 medical officer, dental surgeon and various vacancies. Apply online before 7th December 2016.

Name of post:- medical officer, dental surgeon
Eligibility:- MBBS, degree, diploma, BDS
Job Location:- Uttar Pradesh
Last Date:- 7th December 2016

Total No. of Posts:-1343 Posts

Allopathic Medical Officer grade – I:-924 posts

  • Age Limit:- The age of the candidate should not be less than 21 years and should not be more than 40 years. The age of the applicant should be as on 1st July 2016.
  • Pay Scale:-Rs 15600 – 39100/- Per Month
  • Qualification:- Candidates should have MBBS degree from any university recognized by the medical council of India.
  • Selection Procedure:- The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of written examination and personal interview depending on the number of applications received.

Unani Medical Officer:-58posts

  • Age Limit:- The age of the candidate should not be less than 21 years and should not be more than 40 years. The age of the applicant should be as on 1st July 2016.
  • Pay Scale:-Rs 15600 – 39100/- Per Month
  • Qualification:- Candidates should have degree in UnaniTib of university established by law in India or five year degree or diploma in UnaniTib of the board of Indian medicine, Uttar Pradesh and registration as a Hakeem with the board of Indian medicine, Uttar Pradesh with At-least six month professional experience of state unani or Allopathic hospital or Dispensary.
  • Selection Procedure:- The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of written examination and personal interview depending on the number of applications received.

Application fee:- Candidatesafter filling in the applicants “Registration format of the online application the applicant shall procure the print-out of the e-Challan in duplicate. The e-Challan will be used to deposit the fee in any of the branches of state bank of India or Punjab national bank by the applicant according to his category. The fee will not be allowed to be deposited by any other mode except e-Challan collect. The above fee for preliminary examination according to the category is as under:-

Un-reserved (General):- Rs 80/- + online processing fee Rs 25/-, Total = Rs 105/-

Other backward class:- Ra 80/- + online processing fee Rs 25/-, Total = Rs 105/-

Schedule caste:- Ra 40/- + online processing fee Rs 25/-, Total = Rs 65/-

Schedule tribe:- Ra 40/- + online processing fee Rs 25/-, Total = Rs 65/-

Handicapped:- Fee is Nil + online processing fee Rs 25/-, Total = Rs 25/-

How to apply:- Candidates may apply online through official website of Uttar Pradesh Public service commission www.uppsc.up.nic.in from 7th September 2016 to 7th December 2016.





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