Mazagon Dock Recruitment Trade/Semi- Skilled vacancies (1125 Mazagondock Vacancy)

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Mazagon Dock Recruitment Trade/Semi- Skilled vacancies (1125 Mazagondock Vacancy)
Mazagon dock Recruitment- MDL Recruitment 2016 for various Trade/Semi- Skilled vacancies :Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited invites application from eligible candidates in the category of SC,ST,OBC(Non creamy layer),PWD and UR(General) for the posts of Technical Staff and Operatives in various trades of Skilled & Semi-Skileed grades for appointment on contract basis for the maximum periods of two years .Candidates may apply online on or before 1st September 2016.Read all other MDL vacancy criteria are given below.

Mazagondock Recruitment Vacancy Details

No.of Total Post vacancies : 1125
Eligibility:12th Standard
Closing Date of Application:1st September 2016
Name of the Position:

Mistry  Grade(IDA -9) - 01 Post
Skilled Grade - I(IDA-5) - 956 Posts
Semi-Skilled Grade -I(IDA-2) - 168 Posts

Mazagon Dock Recruitment Eligibility Criteria

Age Criteria: 

Interested candidates should be ages between 18-33 years as on 01.08.2016. Age Relaxation are applicable as per Mazagon Dock notification 1.e For SC/ST Candidates : 5 years and For OBC-NCL Candidates : 3 years

Education Qualification :

Mistry Grade>> 

Candidates must have Certificate of competency (2nd class Master) issued by the Maharashtra Maritime Board/Mercantile Marine Dept. as per Indian Vessel Act. Knowledge of Swimming is compulsory.

Skilled Grade>>

Candidates should passed SSC or equivalent examination conducted by a Board recognised by the Govt. and must have passed the “National Apprenticeship Certificate Examination in the  relevant Trade conducted by NCVT of the Directorate General of Employment & Training, Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India.

Semi Skilled Grade>>

Candidates are required to pass SSC with NAC in any trade and have worked in Shipbuilding industry as Utility Hand/Chipper Grinder for minimum period of one year.
Pay Scale/Salary(Per Month):

Selected candidates will get pay monthly Rs. 10000/- for Sl .no 1 Post,Rs. 7000/- for SL.No.2 Post and Rs. 6000/- for SL.No.3 Post.

Mode of Selection:

Candidates will be selected basis of Written examination and Trade examination test.

Application Fee:

Candidates need to pay  fee of Rs. 100/- for OBC Category (including Bank Charges of Rs. 40/-) through SBI Challan at any nearest Branch of State Bank of India (SBI). Applicants belonging to SC/ ST   category are exempted from such payment of processing fee.

Application Procedure

Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format along with MDL’s Challan copy & all enclosures send by courier or by post to DGM (HR-Rec-NE), Recruitment Cell, Service Block- 3rd Floor, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai-400010 on or before 01.09.2016.

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