PSC Recruitment 2016-Excise Inspector (Trainee)

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 Gazette Date: 26/07/2016
 Last Date: 31/08/2016
 Category No:188/2016

Applications are invited online only by `One Time Registration' from qualified candidates
for the post mentioned below. Candidates shall apply only through the online facility provided in
the website of Kerala Public Service Commission viz, www.keralapsc.gov.in

1. Department : Excise
2. Name of Post : Excise Inspector (Trainee)
3. Scale of pay : Rs. 30700 – 65400
4. Number of vacancies : Not Estimated

The List of selected candidates published by the Commission in response to this notification
shall cease to be in force after one year from the date of finalisation of Ranked List. 

5. Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment from approved
            Probationers in any of the categories of
            Assistant Excise Inspector, Excise Preventive
            Officer, Civil Excise Officer/Women Civil
            Excise Officer.
            The principles of rules of reservation and
            rotation prescribed in rule 14 to 17 of Part II
            of the Kerala State and Subordinate Service
            Rules 1957 will not apply for this post. The
            Candidates will be advised in Rank order
            against the turn set apart for this category
            along with open quota.
            10% of the vacancies reported for the post of
            Excise Inspector (Direct Recruitment) will be
            filled from the Ranked List prepared in
            response to this notification. In the absence
            of sufficient number of suitable candidates in
            the Ranked List prepared in response to this
            notification, the above vacancies shall be
            filled up by candidates included in the
            Ranked List prepared for open quota.

6. Age Limit :         Must not have completed 45 (Forty Five)
            years as on 01.01.2016. Candidates born on
            or after 02.01.1971 are eligible to apply for
            the post.

7. Qualifications :

1. Must possess B.A, B.Sc or B.Com Degree of any recognized University or its
equivalent In the case of Ex-Servicemen the minimum qualification shall be SSLC.
Note: (KS & SSR Part II rule 10 (a) ii is applicable.)

2. Physical Conditions- Must be physically fit for outdoor work and should possess
the following minimum physical standards.


Male Candidates:

Height 165 cm
For SC/ST Candidates 160 cm
Chest Measurement (Normal) 81 cm
Chest Expansion 5 cm

Note: No relaxation will be allowed to SC/ST candidates in the matter of chest

Female Candidates
Height 152 cm
For SC/ST Candidates 150 cm

Note: 1.
Differently abled candidates are not eligible to apply for this post.
2 NCC Certificate holders having ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Certificates will be given weightage
of marks at the rate of 2% , 3% and 5% respectively.

Candidates should produce a Medical Certificate in original at the time of Certificate
Verification in the form prescribed hereunder certifying to their physical fitness obtained
from a Medical Officer not below the rank of Civil Surgeon Grade II in the form prescribed
hereunder, certifying their physical fitness and capacity for out door work. 

8. Physical Efficiency Test

In addition to the above qualification every candidate will be subjected to a Physical
Efficiency Test. Their Physical measurements will also be taken before the Physical Efficiency
Test. Candidates must qualify in at least five of the under mentioned eight events.

For Male Candidates:

Sl. No. Item Minimum Standards of Efficiency
1 100 Metres Race 14 Seconds
2 High Jump 132.20 cm (4'6'')
3 Long Jump 457.20 cm (15')
4 Putting the Shot (7264 Grams) 609.60 cm (20')
5 Throwing the Cricket Ball 6096 cm (200')
6 Rope climbing (Only with hands) 365.80 cm (12')
7 Pull ups or Chinning 8 times
8 1500 Metres Run 5 Minutes & 44 seconds

For Female Candidates:

Sl. No. Events One Star Standards
1 100 Metres Run 17 Seconds
2 High Jump 1.06 Metres
3 Long Jump 3.05 Metres
4 Putting the Shot (4 kgs) 4.88 Metres
5 200 Metres runs 36 Seconds
6 Throwing the throw ball 14 Metres
7 Shuttle Race (25x4 Metre) 26 Seconds
8 Skipping (One Minute) 80 times

9. Probation:
Every person appointed to this post shall from the date on which he joins duty be on
probation for a period of two years on duty within a continuous period of 3 years

10. Training :
Every person appointed to this post by direct recruitment shall undergo such training for a
period of not less than twelve months as may be prescribed by the Department. The period of
training shall count for Probation and increment.

11. Test :
Every person appointed for this post should within the period of probation pass Account Test
(Lower), Excise Tests Parts A & B and DOM or MOP if he has not already passed them.

12. Mode of submitting applications:
Candidates must register as per ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION’ with the official Website of
Kerala Public Service Commission www.keralapsc. gov.in before applying for the post.
Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID and
password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the
Notification Link to applying for a post. The Photograph uploaded should be one taken on or
after 31/12/2010. Name of the candidate and the date of taking photograph should be printed at
the bottom portion. The photograph once uploaded meeting all requirements shall valid for 10
years from the date of uploading. There is no change in other instructions regarding the
uploading of photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates shall take a printout of the
application by clicking the link Registration Card in their profile. Candidates are responsible for
the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before the final submission
of the application on the profile candidates must ensure correctness of the information on their
profile. They must quote the User-ID for further communication with the Commission.
Application submitted is provisional and cannot be deleted or altered after submission. The
application will be summarily rejected if noncompliance with the notification is found in due
course of processing. Documents to prove qualification, Experience, Community, age etc have to
be produced as and when called for.
13. Last date of receipt of applications : 31.08.2016 Wednesday upto 12 midnight.

14. If Written Test/OMR Test is conducted as a part of the selection Admission Tickets
for eligible candidates will be made available in their Profile created after One Time
Registration and the date of downloading will be included in the Examination
Calender. Candidates can download Admission Ticket for 15 days from this date.
Candidates who have downloaded the Admission Ticket will alone be permitted to
attend the examination.
(For details please see the General Conditions given below as Part II of this





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