State bank of India recruitment 2016-17 Manager 33 posts - MBA/B Tech - Last Date:- 5th September 2016. (Government Jobs)

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State bank of India recruitment 2016-17 Manager 33 posts :- State bank of India (SBI) invite application for the position of 33 vice president, manager, senior manager, assistant vice president and various vacancies in state bank of India. Apply online before 5th September 2016.

Name of post:- vice president, manager
Eligibility:- MBA, BE, B.Tech
Job Location:- All India
Pay Scale:- As per company Norms
Last Date:- 5th September 2016.

Total No. of Posts:-   33 Posts

Vice President:- 03 posts

  • Age Limit:- The age of the candidate should not be less than 26 years and should not be more than 40 years. The age of the applicant should be as on 1st August 2016.
  • Pay Scale:- The salary of the applicant applying for the position of Vice President will be on the basis of company norms.
  • Qualification:- Candidates should have MBA in finance / marketing or equivalent degree from reputed institute.
  • Selection Procedure:- The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of personal interview depending on the number of applications received.

Manager:- 07 posts

  • Age Limit:- The age of the candidate should not be less than 24 years and should not be more than 32 years. The age of the applicant should be as on 1st August 2016.
  • Pay Scale:- The salary of the applicant applying for the position of Manager will be on the basis of company norms.
  • Qualification:- Candidates should have BE / B.Tech. from a recognized university / institute.
  • Selection Procedure:- The selection of the candidates will be on the basis of personal interview depending on the number of applications received.

Application fee:- Candidates are required to pay application fee Rs 600/- for general categories candidates / other backward class categories candidates and Rs 100/- for schedule caste categories candidates  (SC) / schedule tribe categories candidates (ST) / person with disabilities categories candidates(PWD) through online by using debit cards / credit cards / internet banking.

How to apply:- Candidates may apply online through official website of State bank of India www.sbi.co.in from 22ndAugust 2016 to 5th September 2016 and copies of application along with photocopies of certificates / e-receipt for fee payment and brief resume of the applicant describing career and performance achievement in service of any with supporting documents should be send to “Central recruitment and promotion department, Corporate Centre, 3rdfloor, Atlanta building, Nariman point, Mumbai:- 400021 on or before 10th September 2016.

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