B.A. Sociology

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Bachelor of Arts in Sociology is an undergraduate Sociology course. Sociology is the study of social relations, social stratification, social interaction, culture, etc. Broadly, B.A. (Sociology) degree course is the study of society. The degree course mainly covers the study of some of its specialized fields namely Applied Sociology, Comparative Sociology, Cultural Sociology, Collective Behaviour, Crime and Delinquency, Community and Demography. Bachelor of Arts in Sociology is of three years duration course.

How is B.A. Sociology Course Beneficial?

  • B.A. (Sociology) degree serves as a basis for further higher studies in this field such as M.A., Ph.D. and M.Phil. Degree in Sociology, the successful completion of which makes one eligible for the post of a lecturer in any university/college.
  • The greatest scope after doing B.A. in Sociology is that it not only makes you eligible but also gives you a fairly better chance to qualify the Indian Civil Services exams.
  • They can also take up community related work for their uplift.


  • The main requirement for pursuing B.A. (Sociology) degree is qualifying 10+2 or equivalent examination in any stream from a recognised board of the country.

B.A. Sociology Syllabus

Syllabus of Sociology as prescribed by various Universities and Colleges.

Year I: Sem. I (Basic Concepts in Sociology)


Subjects of Study


Sociology: Nature, Scope and Significance; Relationship with History, Economics, Political Science, Anthropology and Psychology


Basic Concepts: Society, Community, Association, Social Structure, Status & Role, Norms and Values


Social Groups & Processes: Definition, Nature and types of Groups- Primary Secondary & Reference Group; Processes- Co-operation, Conflict and Accommodation.


Social Institutions: Marriage, Family, Kinship and Religion; Their Functions and Features

Sem. II (Society, Culture and Social Change)


Societies: Types and Characteristics- Tribal, Rural, Urban, Industrial and Post-Industrial.


Culture: Definition and Nature; Types- Material and Non- Material. Socialization: Its importance, Process and Stages. Social Control: Its Types and Means.


Processes of Social Change: Characteristic Features of Industrialization, Modernization, Globalization and Secularization


Social Stratification: Concept and Bases; Forms- Caste, Class, Power & Gender

Year II: Sem. III (Methods in Social Research)


Social Research: Definition, Nature and purpose; Steps in Social Research; Problem of Objectivity and Subjectivity in Social Research


Research Method: Research Designs; Social Survey; Hypothesis- Types & significance; Sampling and Sampling Procedure


Techniques of Data Collection: Types of Data; Techniques- Observation, Interview, Questionnaire, Schedule and Case Study


Statistical Analysis and Use of Computer in Social Research: Classification and Tabulation of data; Measures of Central Tendency: Mean, Median and Mode; Use of Computers in Social Research.

Sem. IV (Indian Society Optional I)


Evolution of Indian Society: Traditional bases of Indian Society; Unity and Diversity in India; India as a Pluralistic Society.


Indian Social Institutions: Kinship, Family, Marriage; Caste and its Changing Dimensions.


Processes of Social Change in India: Sanskritization, Westernization, Parochiatization and Universatization


Social Issues and Problems: Gender Discrimination, Secularism and Religious Minorities, Problems of Dalits Women and OBC and Affirmative Actions

(Social Problems in India-Optional-II)


Social Problem: Meaning and Definition; Importance of the Study of Social Problems; Sociological Perspectives on Social Problem-Anomie (Durkheim), Diffential Association (Sutherland), Labelling (Becker).


Structural Issues: Inequality of Caste, Class Gender and Ethnicity; Communalism; Problems of Minorities.


Problems and Issues: Female Foeticide, Dowry, Domestic Violence, Divorce; Problems of Aged.


Social Disorganization: Crime and Juvenile Delinquency, Corruption, Drug Addiction, Suicide, Prostitution and AIDS

Social Change and Development (Optional III)


Social Change: Concept, Forms and Factors; Concept and Features of Development.


Theories of Social Change: Linear (Spencer), Cyclical (Pareto), Fluctuation (Sorokin); Conflict Theory (Marx)


Social Change in Contemporary India: Trends and Processes of Change – Sanskritisation, Westernisation, Modernisation and Secularisation


Development Programmes in India: Development Programme in India; The Five Year Plans, Community Development Programme, , Panchayat Raj; Impact of new Panchayati Raj on Women Empowerment

Year III: Sem. V (Foundations of Social Thought)


Positivism: Comte’s Law of three stages, Social Static & Dynamics, Evolutionism- Spencer’s Evolutionary Approach


Functionalism: Durkheims’ Concept of Social Fact, Division of labour in Society; Radcliffe Brown’s Structural-Functional Approach


Conflict: Marx’s concept of Dialectical Historical Materialism, Class & Class Conflict; Coser’s Approach to Social Conflict


Inter-actionalism: Weber’s Interpretative Sociology; Types of Social Action; G.H. Mead’s Concept of Self & Society

Sem. VI (Population Studies-Optional I)


Population Studies: Meaning, Scope and Significance; Demographic Processes: Fertility, Mortality and Migration


Population Theories: Malthusian, Demographic Transition and Optimum Population Theory


Population Composition in India: Age Structure, Sex-Ratio, Rural-Urban Composition, Literacy in India


Population Planning and Control: Needs and Objectives; Population Policy of India, National Rural Health Mission

Environment and Society-Optional II)


Environment and its Concepts: Ecology, Eco-system, Environment and Society – their inter-relations; Eco-Feminism


Environmental Issues: Sustainable Development, Industrialization and Development, Urbanization and Development, Environmental Degradation


Environment and Development: Global Efforts for Resource Conservation, Environmental Movements: Chipko Movement, Narmada Bachao Andolan, Ganga Bachao Abhyan; Forest Rights.


Contemporary Environmental Problems: Problems of Water, Deforestation, Urban Wastes, Slums, Global-Warming and Climate Change.

Rural Society: (Structure and Change-Optional-III)


Introduction to Rural Sociology: Origin, Nature, Subject Matter and Importance.


Rural Social Structure: Caste and Class in Rural Set Up, Inter Caste Relation with reference to Jajmani System; Rural Family and Changing pattern


Rural Economy: Land Tenure System, Land Reforms; Green Revolution and Its Impact; Bonded and Migrant Labourers; Major Changes in Rural Society.


Rural Political Structure: Traditional Caste and Village Panchayats; Panchayati Raj before and after 73rdConstitutional Amendment, Panchayati Raj and Empowerment of Women


B.A. Sociology Colleges

  • Amguri College, Sibsagar
  • Anugrah Narayan College, Patna
  • Kamala Nehru College, Delhi
  • Anand Arts College, Anand

B.A. Sociology Course Suitability

  • Those who want to apply sociological theory to society's organisations including schools, shops, hospitals and offices and want to know the layers of society are good suit for it.
  • Those who have good communication skills, developing opinions, new ideas on societal issues, working collaboratively with others and using effective methods to communicate your ideas and conclusions also can go for this course.
  • They should have the ability to understand, scrutinise and re-assess common perceptions of the social world as well.
  • Applicants should also be able to relate sociological knowledge to social, public and civic policy; and in organising work/meeting deadlines.

 Employment Areas

  • Corporate Research Firms
  • Communications Industry
  • Corporations
  • Communications Industry
  • Criminal Justice Field
  • Education Sector
  • Human Services
  • Labour Unions
  • Prisons
  • Public Relations
  • Social Work
  • Trade Associations
  • Youth Services
  • Humanitarian Organizations like United Nations Organisation (UNO)

 Job Types

  • Census Worker
  • Family Counsellor
  • Human Services Assistant
  • Social Worker
  • Labour Leader
  • Market Survey Researcher
  • Community Service Worker
  • Marriage Counsellor
  • Research Assistant
  • Social Critic
  • Rehabilitation Counsellor
  • Sociologist
  • Staff Reporter
  • Training Advisor
  • Urban Planner

Advance Courses in B.A. Sociology

  • M.A. (Sociology)
  • M.Phil. (Sociology)
  • Ph.D. (Sociology)

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