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Statisticians collect, analyse and interpret quantitative data.
A statistician gathers numerical data and then displays it, helping companies to make sense of quantitative data and to spot trends and make predictions.
Typical responsibilities of the job include:
designing data acquisition trials
assessing results
analysing trends
applying statistical methodology to complex data
acting in a consultancy capacity
designing and implementing data gathering/management computer systems and software
supervising junior statistical staff
using statistics to make forecasts and to provide projected figures
presenting information in a variety of formats
conveying complex information to people who may not be specialists
liaising with colleagues
attending meetings
Qualifications and training required
To become a statistician you will normally need a degree. For graduates, a degree in a numerate discipline such as statistics, economics or mathematics is normally required. A relevant postgraduate qualification is essential for graduates without appropriate first degrees, and for research and medical statistics posts. Prior relevant work experience, while beneficial, is not usually required.
Key skills for statisticians
Good IT skills
Numerical skills
Analytical skills
Written and verbal communication skills
Good interpersonal skills
Typical employers of statisticians
Market research companies
Governmental Statistical Service (GSS)
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Department of Health
Regional health authorities
Medical registries
Industrial, pharmaceutical and commercial companies
Publicly funded research councils
Educational bodies
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