Trivandrum Jobs-NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SPEECH & HEARING (NISH)-Recruitment 2017-Program Manager-Apply before 17th August 2017

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Program Manager Posts are opened in NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SPEECH & HEARING (NISH) for 2017 Recruitment. Interested and eligible candidates should apply on or before 17th August 2017 through Postal mail. The link for applying and how to apply NISH Program Manager Job is given at the bottom of this page. Please read this post carefully before applying for this job.

Name of the Post:

Program Manager

Educational Qualification for NISH Recruitment 2017-2018:

The candidates should be a post graduate in Social Work /Special Education /Psychology /Counselling or Rehabilitation Sciences and should possess proficiency in English, Hindi and Malayalam. The person should be very well acquainted with latest communication and computer technologies and should be willing to learn new technologies on the go.

Selection Procedure:

The selected candidate will be on probation for a period of 6 months during which time, the performance will be closely evaluated. Contract will be signed only after acceptable performance evaluation by the supervisor.
Interested candidates should send in their detailed bio-data with a passport size photograph, email ID and mobile phone number along with the application super-scribing the name of the post. Certificate copies should NOT be enclosed at the time of application. The self-attested certificates will be required only if called for interview. Intimation for interview will only be sent via e-mail.

How to Apply for NISH Recruitments:

Applications should be sent to : The Executive Director, National Institute of Speech & Hearing, NISH Road, Sreekaryam P.O., Thiruvananthapuram 695017.

How to apply & Link for Official Notification: http://www.nish.ac.in/others/career/573-nish-invites-applications-for-a-program-manager-nidas-project


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