Manipur Forest Department Recruitment 2016 Deputy Ranger, Forester, Forest Guard (223 Vacancies)

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The Forest Department, Manipur is the organization in the state dedicated to the development and improvement of Forests and Wildlife of Manipur. The Department is headed by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Manipur under the guidance of the Administrative Department in charge of Forests and Environment in the Secretariat.

Forest Department, Government of Manipur invites application in the prescribed format for direct recruitment of Forest Guards in Forest Department, Government of Manipur under Forest Guard's Recruitment Rules 2000. The last date for receipt of applications is 9th September 2016.


Post Name

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Forest Guard


21 to 38 Years as on 1st August 2016 (Age Relaxation as per Rules)

? 5200-20200/- + Grade Pay ? 1800/-

Educational Qualifications:

(1) Essential – Minimum Matriculate / HSLC Pass from a recognized Board. 
(2) Desirable - Knowledge of Manipuri & Hindi.

Physical Standards:


Height (cm)

Chest (Normal)

Chest (Expansion)

Male Candidate

163 (152 cm for Tribes)

84 cms

05 cms

Female Candidate

150 (145 cm for Tribes)

79 cms

05 cms

Application Fee: ? 500/- for General and OBC; ? 250/- for SC / ST. The candidates pay this fee through bank Challan in the prescribed Challan form showing the name of the candidate and transaction ID at the time of submission of applications.

Employment Exchange Registration: Candidates are desired to furnish self attested copy of the Employment Exchange Registration Card.

Selection Process: Written Test, Viva Voce, Physical Test, Medical Examination.

Written Exam Pattern: [Duration – 02 Hours]



General Knowledge








How to Apply: The Application Forms can be obtained from the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Sanjenthong, Imphal on payment of ? 100/- in cash. Application forms complete in all respect and sealed in the prescribed envelope must be either submitted personally or must reach Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Sanjenthong, Imphal, Manipur-795001 (Phone No. 0385-2450165) by registered post up to 17:00 hrs on or before of09/09/2016.

Government of Manipur, Forest Department, Imphal invites applications from Indian citizens for direct recruitment of Forester for filling up 59 Vacancies under Forester's Recruitment Rules 2001 in Forest Department, Government of Manipur. The last date for receipt of applications is 16th September 2016. 


Post Name

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Pay Scale



21 to 38 Years as on 1st August 2016 (Age Relaxation as per Rules)

? 5200-20200/- + Grade Pay ? 2400/-

Educational Qualifications:

(1) Matric with 12th Class in Science Subjects or +2 Science from a recognised Board or B.Sc. Degree Forestry from a recognised University. 
(2) Desirable - Knowledge of Manipuri & Hindi.

Employment Exchange Registration: Candidates are desired to furnish self attested copy of the Employment Exchange Registration Card.

Physical Standards:


Height (cm)

Chest (Normal)

Chest (Expansion)

Male Candidate

163 (152 cm for Tribes)

84 cms

05 cms

Female Candidate

150 (145 cm for Tribes)

79 cms

05 cms

Application Fee: ? 500/- for General and OBC; ? 250/- for SC / ST. The candidates pay this fee through bank Challan in the prescribed Challan form showing the name of the candidate and transaction ID at the time of submission of applications.

Selection Process: Written Test, Viva Voce, Physical Test, Medical Examination.

Written Exam Pattern:

Paper-1 –> [Duration – 02 Hours]



General Knowledge


English of Xth Standards


Mathematics of Xth Standards


Paper – 2 –> [Duration – 02 Hours]

Optional Subject


Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics, Chemistry, Biology


How to Apply: The Application Forms can be obtained from the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Sanjenthong, Imphal on payment of ? 100/- in cash. Application forms complete in all respect and sealed in the prescribed envelope must be either submitted personally or must reach Office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Sanjenthong, Imphal, Manipur-795001 (Phone No. 0385-2450165) by registered post up to 17:00 hrs on or before of16/09/2016.

Forest Department, Government of Manipur, Imphal invites application from Indian citizens in the prescribed form for the direct recruitment of Deputy Ranger, Group 'C' posts for filling up 23 Vacancies under Deputy Ranger Recruitment Rules 2007 in Forest Department, Government of Manipur. The last date for receipt of applications is 17th September 2016.


Post Name

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Deputy Ranger


21 to 38 Years as on 1st August 2016 (Age Relaxation as per Rules)

? 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay ? 4800/-

Educational Qualifications:

(1) Essential - The candidate must have passed Bachelor's Degree (or equivalent) in Science or Engineering from any University recog¬nised by the State Government or Central Government with at least one of the following subjects: (i) Agriculture, (ii) Botany, (iii) Chemistry, (iv) Computer Application/ Computer Science, (v) Engineering (Agriculture/ Chemical/ Civil/ Computer/ Electrical/ Electronics/ Mechanical) (vi) Environmental Science, (vii) Forestry, (viii) Geology, (ix) Horticulture, (x) Mathematics, (xi) Physics, (xii) Statistics, (xiii) Veterinary Science and (xiv) Zoology. 
(2) Desirable - Knowledge of Manipuri & Hindi.

Physical Standards:


Height (cm)

Chest (Normal)

Chest (Expansion)

Male Candidate

163 (152 cm for Tribes)

84 cms

05 cms

Female Candidate

150 (145 cm for Tribes)

79 cms

05 cms

Application Fee: ? 500/- for General and OBC; ? 250/- for SC / ST. The candidates pay this fee through bank Challan in the prescribed Challan form showing the name of the candidate and transaction ID at the time of submission of applications.

Employment Exchange Registration: Candidates are desired to furnish self attested copy of the Employment Exchange Registration Card.

Selection Process: Written Test, Viva Voce, Physical Test, Medical Examination.

How to Apply: The Application Forms can be obtained from the office of the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Sanjenthong, Imphal, Manipur on payment of ? 100/- in cash. Application forms complete in all respect and sealed in the prescribed envelope must be either submitted personally or must reach OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL CHIEF CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS, SANJENTHONG, IMPHAL, MANIPUR-795001 (PHONE NO. 0385-2450165) by registered post upto 17:00 hrs on or before of 17/09/2016.


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