Department of Atomic Energy Recruitment 2016 -3 vacancies-Stipendiary Trainee & Stenographer Posts-Last date 15 November 2016

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Government of India, Department of Atomic Energy, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre invited applications for recruitment to the post of Stipendiary Trainee (CAT.I) – Physics, Stipendiary Trainee (CAT.II) - Engineering Draughting and Stenographer Grade-III. The candidates eligible for the post can apply through prescribed format on or before 15 November 2016.

Notification details:

Advertisement No.: VECC-3/2016

Important Date:

Last Date of Application: 15 November 2016

Department of Atomic Energy Vacancy Details:

Name of the posts:

  1. Stipendiary Trainee (CAT.I) - Physics: 1 post
  2. Stipendiary Trainee (CAT.II) - Engineering Draughting: 1 post
  3. Stenographer Grade-III: 1 post

Eligibility Criteria for Department of Atomic Energy Stipendiary Trainee & Stenographer post

Educational/Technical Qualification & Experience:

  • Stipendiary Trainee (CAT.I) - Physics: BSc with minimum 60% marks with combination of subjects: - Physics as principal subject and among other two subsidiary subjects Mathematics is compulsory and any one from the following subjects: - Chemistry, Statistics and Electronics & Computer Science.
  • Stipendiary Trainee (CAT.II) - Engineering Draughting: SSC with minimum 60% marks in aggregate plus trade certificate of minimum 1 year duration in relevant trade from a recognized Institution.
  • Stenographer Grade-III: Matriculation or equivalent with 50% marks, A speed of 80 words per minute in English Stenography and Typing speed in English of 30 words per minute.

Age Limit:

  • Stipendiary Trainee (CAT.I) - Physics: Between 19-34 years
  • Stipendiary Trainee (CAT.II) - Engineering Draughting: Between 18-32 years
  • Stenographer Grade-III: Between 18-37 years

Selection Procedure for Department of Atomic Energy Stipendiary Trainee & Stenographer post:

Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written examination, Stenography Test and Interview.

How to Apply for Department of Atomic Energy Stipendiary Trainee & Stenographer post:

The candidates eligible for the post can apply through prescribed format and send the applications along with other necessary documents to the Assistant Personnel Officer (GA), Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Department of Atomic Energy, Sector – 1, Block – AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata – 700064. Last date of receipt of application is 15 November 2016.

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