5381 vacancies-Constable posts(male and female)-Police Headquarters Jammu & Kashmir-Last date 20 November 2016

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Police Headquarters Jammu & Kashmir has notified of 5381 vacancies in Constable posts. Application process will continue till 20 November. More details can be found at the official portal of JK Police (jkpolice.gov.in).

Out of the total vacancies notified by JK Police, 4340 vacancies are at 05 IRP Battalions, 386 posts at Armed Police and the rest 655 at Executive Police. 60% of the vacancies are for Border districts as per the guidelines of MHA GOI letter Nos. 16011/10/2011-PF.IV.

Eligibility Criteria

 minimum educational qualification : matriculation from any government recognised Board are eligible to apply.

Age Limit :18-28 years.

Male Candidates:

Height: 5 feet 6 inch (minimum)

Chest: 32 inch unexpanded; 33.5 inch expanded

Female Candidates:

Height: 5 feet 2 inch (minimum)

Special physical standards have been set for candidates belonging to Ladakh region and Gorkha community

Male Candidates:

Height: 5 feet 4 inch (minimum)

Chest: 32 inch unexpanded; 33.5 inch (expanded)

Female Candidates:

Height: 5 feet (minimum)

Selection Procedure

Candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in physical endurance test, physical standard test and written test. Physical endurance test will comprise of long race, shot puts and pushups.

Written exam test will comprise of objective type and will be held for those candidates who qualify the other two tests. The objective type question will comprise of 100 questions and candidates will be allowed 02 hours for that. The question paper will comprise of questions of 10th pass from GK, elementary mathematics, analytical aptitude and ability.

How to Apply

Interested and eligible candidates are required to send their application in prescribed format along with fee of Rs 300. Candidates should clearly mention the preference for Executive, Armed or IRP Battalion while filling up the form.

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