Milma recruitment 2016-SYSTEMS OFFICER & ACCOUNTS OFFICER-Deputation/Fixed Term Contract Basis -Last Date: 25-10-2016

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The organisation milma under Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd has invited a recruitment notification to fill their various vacant posts such as Systems Officer,Accounts Officer with promising salary. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the prescribed format on or before dead line .The proper filled application format along with the required document need to be transfer in the mail id milmaho@milma.co.in. 

For More information regarding the post details such as ,age limit,educational qualification,scale of pay and so on are given in the following paragraphs for your awareness.

Name of organisation

Kerala Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.


  • Systems officer 
  • Accounts Officer

Educational Qualification

system officer 
  • Applicant must complete B-Tech/BE in Computer Science/Electronics & Communication.
  • He/she must posses Certificate in SQL & PL/SQL/ORACLES forms Programming.
  • The candidate who has Certificate in SQL & PL/SQL/ORACLES forms Programming have more predominant consideration 
Accounts Officer 
  • Applicant must pass Chartered Accountants examination.
  • He/she must have Working experience in the Accounts Department.

Age Limit

Above 18 to below 45 years.


Rs.27, 000/- per month.

How To apply?

The interested candidates who have the eligibility criteria can apply for the the posts,System officer and Account officer. by sending their curriculum vitae (resume) to the mail id milmaho@milma.co.in on or before 25.10.2016,candidates can download the application from the notification
NB: Any another mode of applying will not be accepted

General Terms and Conditions

  • Appointment will be on Fixed Term Contract basis and will be for a period of one year which can be extended for further period of one more year, if required.
  • Monthly Consolidated Salary would be Rs.27, 000/- per month.
  • The candidates should be below the age of 45 years.
  • The candidates should produce the original certificates for verification at the time of interview.
  • No TA/DA shall be paid for attending the interview.

Important Dates to Remember 

  • Last date 25.10.2016.





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