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Applications developers translate software requirements into workable programming code and maintain and develop programs for use in business.

Most will specialise in a specific development field, such as mobile phone applications, accounting software, office suites or graphics software, and will have in-depth knowledge of at least one computer language.

Applications, or 'apps', can be written for a particular system, such as Windows or Android, or across numerous platforms, including computers and mobile devices.



You will be expected to have a good level of technical knowledge and many employers, particularly software houses, will want you to have a degree in a relevant subject, such as:

  • business/management;
  • computer science/software engineering;
  • information systems;
  • mathematics;
  • physical/mathematical/applied science.

If you do not have a related degree, you may want to consider an IT conversion course to build up evidence of technical ability.



You will need to show:

  • high-level programming and related technical skills;
  • ingenuity and creativity;
  • logical approach to problem solving;
  • analytical capabilities;
  • ability to work under pressure;
  • attention to detail;
  • tenacity and patience;
  • communication skills - including the ability to convey information to non-technical colleagues in a concise and clear way;
  • an understanding of business processes and constraints.



As per BLS employment of application developers is projected to grow 17 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations. The main reason for the rapid growth is a large increase in the demand for computer software.



If you do not have a related degree, you may want to consider an IT conversion course to build up evidence of technical ability.

In some instances, there may be opportunities for those without relevant degrees or diplomas, but you will need to demonstrate your commitment and interest to IT applications and be able to show that you have technical skills.

If you are seeking an employment as an Application developer,  we provide a platform to assess whether you are fit for the job role. We assess your skills and provide Skill Assessment Record that helps you get your dream job.

Employers who are in search for applicants with job specified necessary skills can find quality candidates from us.

Job Seekers and Employers can furnish your details here, if you finds our platform a fertile soil to sow your aim...

Register Here: http://nationalskillindiamission.in/member/registration/14/

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