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Media analysts carry out general quantitative and qualitative research to produce media evaluation reports. These are then used to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Media analysts make extensive use of audience research figures produced by organisations such as DART for Advertisers (for online advertising), the National Readership Survey (for newspapers/magazines), the Broadcasters Audience Research Board (for television), Radio Joint Audio Research (for radio) and Poster Audience Research (for poster effectiveness). Typical responsibilities include:
selecting research methods appropriate to pre-defined client criteria
designing and using qualitative and quantitative research tools such as questionnaires, focus groups, interview schedules etc
reading press releases and broadcast coverage and assessing whether stories are favourable or detrimental to clients
analysing campaign performance and research results using a variety of numerical and IT tools
summarising and finalising data at the end of projects
entering data into client databases
supporting and advising coding and client account staff
making presentations
writing reports
attending information sessions
networking with media owners
ensuring set deadlines are met
Qualifications and training required
There are routes into media analysis for both university graduates and school leavers.
Any degree subject is acceptable, although journalism, psychology, business studies, communications, media studies, marketing or management may be particularly helpful. Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) are also acceptable.
Paid or voluntary work experience gained with a media evaluation company or within marketing/PR can be advantageous.
Key skills for media analysts
Attention to detail
Ability to cope with pressure
Effective organisational abilities
Team working skills
Interpersonal and communication skills
Strong research skills
Analytical skills
Numerical skills
IT skills
Time management skills
Typical employers of media analysts
Press cutting agencies
Media analysis firms
Media owners
Television channels
Radio stations
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