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There is no fixed entry route to becoming an advertising account executive. Some get into this career by having a degree, while others start in entry-level positions in advertising, and work their way up into a job as an account executive.
If you want to become an advertising account executive, and want to succeed at it, you will also need to make sure this career aligns with your interest, skills, and personality traits.
Does the following describe you?
• You can motivate and lead a team
• You have an interest in creating, implementing and evaluating advertising campaigns
• You are willing to put in extra working hours
• You have self-confidence and a competitive spirit
• You have excellent communication skills, in including the ability to make presentations under pressure
• You are interested in a career that offers daily challenges
• You are interested in a well-paying career path that offers plenty of room for growth
Who is an Advertising Account Executive ?
Advertising account executives are responsible for devising and coordinating advertising campaigns, which are created to encourage consumers to purchase the products or services of their client.
Advertising account executives serve as the link between clients and the advertising agency that they represent. They manage both the administrative and creative work of an advertising campaign, which involves liaising closely with the client and the advertising agency staff throughout the campaign.
While creating and coordinating an advertising campaign, the account executive must ensure timelines are met and budgetary restrictions are adhered to.
Type of Advertising Media
Advertising account executives may be responsible for creating advertising campaigns that make use of one or more types of advertising media. These forms of advertising could include:
• Print (newspapers, magazines, etc.)
• Mail (flyers, direct mail, etc.)
• Signage (storefront, billboards, bus benches, etc.)
• Broadcast (television, radio, etc.)
• Social media
• Online marketing (paid search and organic search, e-mail marketing, etc.)
Education Needed to Become an Advertising Account Executive
There are no formal industry-wide educational requirements for becoming an advertising account executive; the requirements for getting a job in this field are set by each individual employer.
However, employers typically require applicants for advertising account executive jobs to have a diploma, bachelor's or master's degree in a field relevant to advertising, such as:
• Advertising
• Marketing
• Statistics or operational research
• Communication and media studies
• Business or management
• Psychology
It is possible to become an advertising account executive without formal education, as the result of starting in an entry-level role and working your way up. However, the more education you have, and the more relevant it is advertising, the less work experience you are likely to need to enter this field.
Skills Needed to Become an Advertising Account Executive
In order to be effective in a career as an advertising account executive, you need a certain set of skills and abilities, including:
Leadership skills: Advertising account executive must be able to lead and motivate a team. The must also be able to take accountability for the results of the team.
Creative skills: When creating campaigns for clients, advertising account executives need to be creative, imaginative, and flexible.
Analytical skills: Because the advertising industry is in constant change, due to the rise of digital media, account executives must be able to analyze industry trends, and effectively determine the most promising strategies for their campaigns.
Decision-making skills: Advertising account executives often must choose between competing advertising and marketing strategies put forward by their staff and team members.
Communication skills: Account executives must be able to communicate effectively with a broad-based team of staff members during the process of creating, implementing and evaluating an advertising campaign. They must also be able to able to negotiate with suppliers, and make presentations to clients under pressure.
Interpersonal skills: Account executives need interpersonal skills in order to build and maintain professional relationships with clients, suppliers and coworkers. They must also be able to apply these skills in order to resolve disputes.
Who Creates Jobs for Advertising Account Executives?
Advertising account executives are employed by advertising agencies, and within the advertising departments of large companies. They may also be self-employed as the owners of advertising agencies.
They are typically employed on a full-time basis, and jobs for these professionals are mostly found in large urban centres.
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