Government of India Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Directorate General of Training Shram Shakti Bhawan,

Government of India Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Directorate General of Training Shram Shakti Bhawan,

New Delhi Dated: 24thAugust, 2016

Subject: Implementation of National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme.

  1. Government of India has approved ‘National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme’ (NAPS) with target to provide apprenticeship training to 50 lakh youth by 2020. Under the scheme, Government of India will share 25% of prescribed stipend subject to a maximum of Rs 1500 per month per apprentice with the employers. Government of India will also share maximum Rs 7500 per fresher apprentice (without any formal trade training) as a cost of basic training with Basic Training Providers. The guidelines of the NAPS are available on apprenticeship portal (, DGT ( and MSDE ( website. The scheme would come in to effect from date of notification of scheme i.e. 19th August 2016. The Employers who have already registered apprentices before date of notification of scheme i.e. 19th August 2016 can get the benefits of scheme from the date of notification only. All others shall be eligible from the date of registration with prospective effect.
  2. As per the guidelines of the NAPS, State Apprenticeship Advisers (SAAs) and Regional Directorates of Apprenticeship (RDATs) will act as implementing agencies in their respective State/Regions.
  3. It is mandatory for establishments having manpower strength of more than 40 to engage apprentices through apprenticeship portal ( Establishments having manpower strength between 6 to 40 may also engage apprentices through the apprenticeship portal. Establishments must register themselves on this portal. The portal also allows registration of apprentices and submission of contract of apprenticeship.

Those establishments/industries which are already engaging apprentices and interested to avail the benefits of NAPS are required to enter the following additional information on the apprenticeship portal:

  • Registration Type: EPFO, ESI, LIN
  • In-house basic training facility/Outsource of basic training facility

(T. C. Saravanabava)

Deputy Director General (AT)



1. Establishments/Industries/Industry Associations

2. State Apprenticeship Advisers/RDATs with a request to forward the guidelines of NAPS to all the establishments under their jurisdictions.

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